Company Policies

Governance and Organizational Structure

Governance and Organizational Structure


Article I: Name and Headquarters

Section 1.1: Name

The organization shall be known as the Africa International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AICCI).

Section 1.2: Headquarters

The global secretariat of AICCI is situated in Accra, Ghana, serving as the central hub for the organization’s activities.

Article II: Objectives and Purpose

Section 2.1: Primary Objectives

AICCI’s principal objectives are as follows:

  1. To promote and facilitate economic growth, trade, and investment across African nations.
  2. To establish chapter offices in all 54 African states.
  3. To appoint Chapter CEOs in each country to oversee chapter office operations.
  4. To encourage and facilitate regional cooperation within five defined regions: North, South, East, West, and Central Africa, each overseen by dedicated Regional Coordinators.
  5. To actively support businesses and industries throughout the African continent.
  6. To engage in collaborative efforts with governmental and non-governmental organizations to foster an enabling business environment.

Article III: Membership

Section 3.1: Membership Tiers

AICCI offers the following membership tiers:

  • Individual Membership
  • Silver Membership
  • Gold Membership
  • Platinum Membership

Section 3.2: Membership Rights and Guidelines

The specific rights, privileges, and obligations pertaining to each membership tier shall be detailed in the organization’s bylaws. The bylaws will also outline the procedures for joining, renewing, and terminating membership.

Article IV: Governance Structure

Section 4.1: Organizational Framework

AICCI’s organizational structure comprises:

  • Chapter offices in all African states.
  • Regional Zones representing North, South, East, West, and Central Africa.
  • The Global Secretariat, located in Accra, Ghana.

Section 4.2: Chapter CEOs

Chapter CEOs, appointed to lead and manage chapter offices, are entrusted with the following duties:

  1. To preside over all Chamber and Board meetings.
  2. To ensure the implementation of Chamber policies and procedures in alignment with its mission.
  3. To approve Committee Chairpersons.
  4. To serve as the official spokesperson of the Chamber and provide final approval for all public statements in accordance with the Board’s directives.
  5. To represent and promote the Chamber’s objectives, as endorsed by the membership and the Board.
  6. To prepare and submit written reports to the Board and the Annual General Meeting, outlining Chamber plans, goals, and accomplishments on behalf of the membership.
  7. To act as the immediate liaison between the Office Manager and the Board of CEOs/Executive, interpreting Board policies when necessary and jointly assessing the Office Manager’s performance.
  8. To hold a voting right, but only in the case of a tie.
  9. To serve as a signing officer for the Chamber.

Section 4.3: Chapter Director

The Chapter Director shall assume leadership in the CEO’s absence or upon the CEO’s request.

  1. The Chapter Director is expected to ensure the execution of policies and procedures aligned with the Chamber’s purpose and direction established by the Board.
  2. The Chapter Director is a member of the Executive and the Board and is required to attend all regular and special meetings, including the Annual General Meeting.

Section 4.4: Chapter Deputy Director

The Chapter Deputy Director shall act in the absence of the Chapter Director and CEO, or when requested to do so by the CEO.

  1. The Chapter Deputy Director is a member of the Executive and the Board of CEOs and is obliged to attend all regular meetings and special meetings, including the Annual General Meeting.
  2. In cases of absence or disability of the three aforementioned officers, a temporary replacement from the Board shall be appointed.

Article V: Regional Zones

Section 5.1: Regional Division

  1. The African continent shall be divided into five regions, including North, South, East, West, and Central Africa.
  2. For the European Union, the regional divisions will be divided into Nordic & Baltic Countries, West, South East, and Central Europe.
  3. For the American continent, North, Central, and South America will be accounted for.
  4. For Asia, the regional divisions will be divided into North, South, West, East, and Central Asia.

Section 5.2: Role of Regional Coordinators

Regional Coordinators are entrusted with the following responsibilities:

  1. Coordinating activities, events, and communications within their respective regions.
  2. Reporting regional matters to the global secretariat.
  3. Ensuring the efficient functioning of chapter offices within their regions.
  4. Collaborating with chapter CEOs to achieve the organization’s objectives within their designated regions.

Article VI: Advisory Boards

Section 6.1: Establishment of Advisory Boards

Each chapter office shall establish an advisory board, comprised of experienced professionals and sector representatives.

Section 6.2: Roles and Responsibilities of Advisory Boards

The advisory board’s functions include:

  1. Providing strategic guidance to the chapter CEO.
  2. Offering industry-specific insights and expertise.
  3. Ensuring transparency and accountability within the chapter office.

Section 6.3: Advisory Board Composition and Operation

The composition, selection, and functioning of advisory boards shall be explicitly defined in the organization’s bylaws.

Article VII: Finances

Section 7.1: Financial Operations

AICCI’s financial operations encompass membership dues and revenue sharing.

Section 7.2: Membership Dues

The specific membership dues for each tier and their collection processes shall be outlined in the bylaws.

Section 7.3: Financial Management

AICCI’s financial management, budgeting, auditing, and reporting procedures shall be expounded in the bylaws.

Section 7.4: Revenue Sharing

Chapter offices shall allocate 20% of their annual revenue to the global secretariat to support central activities of the organization.

Article VIII: Decision-Making

Section 8.1: Decision-Making Process

Decisions within AICCI shall adhere to a democratic process, as specified in the bylaws.

Section 8.2: Major Decisions

Major decisions, such as amending the constitution or significant financial transactions, may necessitate the approval of a designated majority of members, as articulated in the bylaws.

Article IX: Amendments

Section 9.1: Amendment Proposals

Amendments to this constitution may be proposed and adopted following a defined process, as delineated in the bylaws.

Section 9.2: Member Proposals

Any member may submit proposals for amendments, which shall be discussed and voted upon by the membership.

Article X: Dissolution

Section 10.1: Dissolution Plan

In the event of AICCI’s dissolution, the distribution of its assets shall conform to the relevant local laws and regulations. A detailed dissolution plan shall be elucidated in the bylaws.

Article XI: Bylaws

Section 11.1: Bylaws

AICCI shall establish and maintain bylaws to provide comprehensive operational guidelines and procedures for the organization. The bylaws shall be deemed an integral part of this constitution and shall be kept in concurrence with its principles.

Article XII: Collaboration with AfCFTA

Section 12.1: Recognition of AfCFTA’s Role

AICCI acknowledges the pivotal role of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in advancing trade, economic integration, and investment opportunities across the African continent.

Section 12.2: Commitment to Collaboration

AICCI is unwavering in its commitment to collaborate closely and harmoniously with AfCFTA to promote economic growth and regional integration within Africa.

Section 12.3: Active Engagement with AfCFTA

AICCI shall proactively engage with AfCFTA, actively participating in dialogues, initiatives, and projects aimed at fostering trade and investment within Africa.

Section 12.4: Support for AfCFTA’s Objectives

AICCI is dedicated to supporting the objectives and principles of AfCFTA and shall strive to align its efforts with the goals and policies of AfCFTA.

Section 12.5: Open Channels of Communication

AICCI shall maintain open channels of communication and collaboration with AfCFTA authorities. This collaboration aims to explore mutually beneficial opportunities and address challenges related to trade and investment in Africa.

Section 12.6: Collaboration Mechanisms

Specific mechanisms and guidelines for collaboration with AfCFTA shall be comprehensively detailed in the bylaws. These guidelines shall be adaptive, considering the evolving needs and priorities of the organization.



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