Strengthening Business Ties: AICCI’s Return Visit with Rojami Ghana Limited

The Africa International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AICCI) is pleased to announce a return business visit with Rojami Ghana Limited, a leading consultancy services firm. This visit marks a significant step in reinforcing our collaborative efforts and exploring new avenues for business development and consultancy excellence.

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AICCI Extends Best Wishes to H.E. Dr. Rollan Roberts in His Presidential Bid

On behalf of the Board and Governing Council, the Africa International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AICCI) is proud to extend our best wishes to H.E. Dr. Rollan Roberts, an esteemed member of our Advisory Board, as he embarks on his campaign for the Presidency of the United States of America.

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AICCI Celebrates Collaboration Milestone: MoU Signing with NBCC, USA

AICCI Celebrates Collaboration Milestone - MoU Signing with NBCC, USA

Exciting news from the Africa International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AICCI)! On March 13, 2023, we had the privilege of celebrating a momentous occasion in Washington DC—the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC), USA. Under the leadership of Dr. Mark Darko, President of AICCI, this collaboration marks a significant step forward in fostering greater access and opportunities for our members.

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AICCI Celebrating Excellence at Myles Leadership University

The Africa International Chamber of Commerce & Industry (AICCI) is delighted to announce a momentous occasion that took place on August 9, 2022. It was with great honour that Dr. Mark G. Darko, Founder and President of AICCI, served as the Guest of Honour at the prestigious ceremony where doctorate degrees were conferred upon seven exceptional individuals. This event was made even more significant by the presence of Dr. Mathew Mario, Vice President of Myles Leadership University (MLU), who joined Dr. Darko in celebrating the academic and professional achievements of these remarkable personalities.

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